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Tithes & Offering

Please help us with our mission of transforming lives in Akron and beyond. You can easily donate online or contribute in person during each of our services.

“The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller” (Proverbs 11:24). Thank you for your faithful support.

Our online tithes and offering page is provided through PayPal. Please click on the box below to be taken to our secure online giving portal. After selecting your amount to give, an optional note box is available to specify an area in which you'd like your offering to be used. For example, "Tithes", "VBS", "Food Bank", "Children's Ministry", etc.

***A PayPal account is NOT required for giving. Please make sure the "Save this information for next time." box is UNCHECKED to avoid prompting to create an account.***

Tithes & Offering: Give
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